Thank you for this. It is a wonderful gift for those of us who sometimes struggle with the Divine Mercy Chaplet!!

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thanks. let me know how it goes if you try it and or any suggestions you have to improve.

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deletedSep 5
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thanks for your correction and candor. its truly charity at work. I have actually researched the origins of the divine mercy chaplet and know about it being suppressed before the second vatican council. i dont particularly like the image of the divine mercy and do think there are good arguments that it was a diabolical attempt to crowd out devotion to the sacred heart. i also think many of the trad critiques of sister faustina´s diary are legitimate. the fact remains that its an approved devotion and if it is truly bad the majority of that judgemnt will go on Sister Faustina, her local bishop, and the bishops and popes that approved the devotion, not the people who comply with what the vatican determined was a good and healthy devotion.

ive found it to be a powerful prayer and very fruitful and this convinced me it isnt bad. i realize we shouldnt base too much on personal experience but Jesus says we will know trees by their fruits.

your concern about using elon musk as a positive example of seeking perfection in his career is silly and belies a totally uncatholic spirit within you. the saints have never hesitated to see and acknowledge and even imitate natural virtue in pagans where they find it.

again thanks for your thoughtful comment. God Bless!

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deletedSep 5Liked by Stephen Weller
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thanks alot for the encouragement. that means alot!

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deletedSep 5Liked by Stephen Weller
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i am not offended at all. I appreciated your response as I said. of course i disagree. I think this is a good and edifying devotion, so I promote it. I could be wrong but I am doing the best I can. I have informed myself as to the critiques of the devotion and was once myself a critic of the devotion but I ultimately dont think that is the right take on the divine mercy devotion.

i have no idea why you suggest I should write romance novels. do explain.

it is dangerous to tell people we cannot admire the excellent qualities of pagans. He desires perfection with regard to his career and is a good example of this for everyone. I stand by what I wrote and what I wrote critiqueing the spirit behind this worry of yours as being uncatholic.

where did I insult you? i cannot find an insult in what I wrote.

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deletedSep 5
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serious question did you use AI to write this? also i dont think to honor the divine mercy entails a separation of God´s mercy from His justice or other attributes. again thanks for the engagement and I appreciate your sincere efforts to correct me. truly.

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deletedSep 5
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you used AI in the comments section! get out of here! you need the divine mercy chaplet!

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